Outsmarting Computer Power With The Power Of Physics

Physics Defies Myth Again

Myth: Cybersecurity is about balancing risk, not ensuring absolute protection

Advancements in computing power (quantum computing, cluster computing) and crypto research allow decryption of stored data. Consequently, “record now & decipher later” becomes a major information security blind spot and threat facing organizations and the telco/connectivity providers serving them. Today’s data encryption solutions are not resistant to data recording or harvesting. The US government mandated a law requiring corporations to demonstrate in 2024 their measures combating the “record now – hack later” vulnerability.

We are boldly changing the cybersecurity game rules with physics by removing the raw data from the game

No raw data
no data to harvest now
and hack later

Pioneering leadership with a paradigm shift

Changing the cybersecurity game rules with physics by removing data from the game

Prof. Dan Sadot

Prof. Dan Sadot

Founder & CEO

bgu, stanford

Serial entrepreneur, founded 5 startups. Currently active full professor and former chairmen of the Electrical & Computer Engineering department at BGU. Post Doctorate, Stanford University.

Eyal Wohlgemuth, PhD

Eyal Wohlgemuth, PhD

Founder & CTO

bgu, modin, menora

15 years developing optical communication systems; IDF Elite Technological Unit, Prime Minister's Office; PhD Electrical & Computer Engineering. 


25years developing complex electrooptical & communication systems; Lieutenant General IDF Elite Technological Unit; Physics BSc  EE MSc.

Eyal Felstaine, PhD

Eyal Felstaine, PhD

Chief Business Officer

amdocs, radware, technion, colombia

Ph.D. Computer Science, former CTO of Amdocs (DOX: NASDAQ). Co-founder of M&Aed startup SANRAD and Traffix systems.

modin, menora

15 years developing large scale cyber & communication systems, IDF Elite Technological Unit, Government of Israel, B.Sc Physics M.Eng Systems Engineering.

Active Advisory Board

Proudly Backed by:

AWZ Logo

200+ Papers Based on 25 Patents Pioneering an Unhackable Future

Photonic Encryption in field trial

CYBERRIDGE - group publication

May 1, 2023
Read our white paper

Photonic Encryption fundamentals

CYBERRIDGE - group publication

Nov 22, 2021
Read our white paper

Meet Us At

Gil Alin

Gil Alin

speaks about

IEEE Topical Summit - Physical Layer Security in Photonic Networks" workshop


15-17 Jul 2024Presenting at15.7.24 4:40 pm 

Let’s Meet
Let’s Talk
Eyal Wohlgemuth, PhD

Eyal Wohlgemuth, PhD

speaks about

Securing the Speed: Harvest-Immune Photonic Layer Security in DCI and Metro Networks. And Robust coherent FSO using ultrashort pulses . invited papers


15-18 Jul 2024Presenting at15.7.24 4:00 pm7.17.24 2:00 pm

Let’s Meet
Let’s Talk
Prof. Dan Sadot

Prof. Dan Sadot

speaks about

Cyber Week - The Unbreakable Light: The Rise of Recording-Proof Photonic Encryption

cyber week

24-27 Jun 2024Presenting at27.6.24 4:20 pm 

Let’s Meet
Let’s Talk
Prof. Dan Sadot

Prof. Dan Sadot

speaks about

ONDM - optical networks design and modeling, Invited Paper


7-8 May 2024Presenting at7.5.24 4:00 pm 

Let’s Meet
Let’s Talk
Eyal Felstaine, PhD

Eyal Felstaine, PhD

speaks about

The Unhackable Light: The Rise of Record-Proof Photonic Encryption


9-10 Apr 2024Presenting at9.4.24 4:00 pm 

Let’s Meet
Let’s Talk
Prof. Dan Sadot

Prof. Dan Sadot

speaks about

Photonic Layer Encryption in High Speed Optical Communications, Invited Paper


24-28 Mar 2024Presenting at24.3.24 4:30 pm 

Let’s Meet
Let’s Talk
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IEEE  Topical
Cyber Week
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